Apr 16, 2008
NOTE: This was also cross posted in the otakugenerationLJ community.
Shownotes :: (show 149) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link)
With the DMJA show, recorded live April 14th, 2008.
This week we kept things short and responded to a bunch of email
and feedback. Plus, we had segments. Not to mention a special
in-studio guest. We also heard from a few people... that we don't
get enough email from! So join us this week for a pretty laid back
show and stay for our nerdy/otaku conversations. Don't worry we
know you're silently judging us... =D
Google Desktop users zOMG HARK there's a OG RSS Google Gadget! (O.o)?! Download it here!
We introduced a LIVE video stream while we record... for all of you stalkers... as well as talkshoe. So now you have a couple options to interact with us while we record the weekly show.
NEWS: Vas built something unique for IE7 and FF 2.0 users... a search option for OGlink (click here) and shortner (also click here) that will let you get to the shortner/oglink redirect pages quicker! Check it out!
Call Us!
::: Skype Voicemail :::
You can leave us voicemail using Skype, at: otakugeneration or call: (610) 628.3154 -or- (206) 965.8154::: GoogeTalk Voicemail :::
You can also leave us voicemail with GoogleTalk, at: otaku.generation@gmail.com::: Gizmo :::
You can also leave us voicemail with using Gizmo, at: otakugeneration
Mentioned Stuff and Link(s) (during the show)
Convention Schedule (1.0) by Anne Packrat
Fan Reviews (1.0) by you the listeners ::
This week we heard from Trae...
Promos / Break
Jefferson's Wierd News (1.0) by Jefferson
This week Jefferson brings us some news that interests him...
Music Reviews (1.0) by Bryce :: (reviews@otakugeneration.net)
Weekly DVD Releases (1.0) by Albert :: (releases@otakugeneration.net)
Figurine Review (1.0) by vas@otakugeneration.net :: (reviews@otakugeneration.net)
Figurine #1
Figurine #2
Fanboy Forecast (1.0) by Bryce :: (fanboyforecast@otakugeneration.net)
Nickname ME! by Alan :: (nickname@otakugeneration.net)
Nothing new this week... but don't let that stop you letting us
torture... uh I mean from you emailing us and telling us something
about yourself... than we'll give you a nick! This way you can be
uniquely identifiable among the other OG listners!
This week... people who we've already nick'd, requested logos ...email us for your nickname and you'll get one as well!
Static's (requested) logo mash-up...
If you send us feedback, and you want us to nickname you, email us,
at: otaku.generation@gmail.com
With somewhere in the subject:
NOTE:If we've already nicknamed you, you can't be re-nicked... unless you plead... lots! ...and we mean LOTS!!! =D
For Podcast promos or MP3 Feedback, email us, at: With the exact subject:
- MP3 PROMOTION :: (for podcast promos)
- MP3 FEEDBACK :: (for audio feedback)
In the body of the message, put:
- Your Name
- Your Podcast
- Your website
- Brief copy about your podcast for us to read
NOTE: No copyrighted music, or clips! We won't play promos with this kind of content! Unless you own the copyright, and have given us written authorization!
Join us next week... for more of something we used to call a "podcast talky" ...back in the day! Cause we like it that way! A new show every Wednesday, so "podcast-in" with us! Download us, snear at us, but give us a listen... and maybe we won't respect you in the morning... *meh*
It's April! Give us your votes! [insert OG-bribes here... it's late ((>.<)) we="" appreciate="" the="" votes="" donations="" and="" comments="" even="" if="" don="" t="" read="" them="" on="" show="" umm="" right="" itunes="" reviews="" at="" any="" of="" following="" places:="" a="" href="http://www.podcastalley.com/podcast_details.php?pod_id=4938#" target="blank_" data-mce-href="http://www.podcastalley.com/podcast_details.php?pod_id=4938">www.PodcastAlley.com, www.PodcastPickle.com, www.PodcastDirectory.com, www.PodcastCharts.com, and/or www.DigitalPodcast.com. Oh and always check out www.podcasterworld.com! Word-of-mouth advertising is also appreaciated. Thanks for the support, and the people who have been voting for us! D4 V0T3Z...they melt in your click, not in your hand!! ..with 1MPR0V3D carry-over errorz! None of you caught last weeks show notes error! Shame on YOU! =D